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ASHRAE eMeetings

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ASHRAE supports virtual meeting technology to allow for volunteer productivity and efficiency. 

The resources on this page are intended to provide guidelines, resources and tips that will help you achieve the greatest success in all your virtual meetings.  

  • Best Practices

    Tips, Best Practices & Procedures

    pdf_icon.png ASHRAE Virtual Meeting Guidance  NEWLY UPDATED!

  • Training

    GoToMeeting® is the easiest and most cost-effective way to conduct business meetings online.

    GoToMeeting allows PC and Mac users to host or attend online meetings anytime, anywhere. Meeting organizers can start a meeting with one click or schedule future meetings in seconds. There’s no need to pre-install software or purchase separate accounts for attendees – they join your meeting instantly just by clicking the link you send them and participate as your free guests.

    During your meeting, you can instantly share any file or application on your desktop, change presenters or give keyboard and mouse control to attendees. Free integrated VoIP and phone conferencing make it easy to manage your audio connection.

    GoToWebinar™ enables individuals and organizations to easily present, train and demonstrate to large audiences online, significantly expanding the reach of their communication throughout the world.

    Because these systems are simple and intuitive, virtually no training is needed for attendees and very little training is required for organizers and presenters.

    Training & Support Tools



  • Scheduling

    Please contact the applicable staff liaisons below to schedule a meeting.

    Chapters & Regions
    Tammy Catchings

    Tammy Catchings

    Marketing, General Needs 
    Joslyn Ratcliff

    Publications & Education
    Julie Harr

    Stephanie Reiniche or Tanisha Meyers-Lisle

    Technical Committees
    Steve Hammerling

  • Planning with Doodle

    Doodle helps finding suitable dates for group events, e.g., an appointment, a conference call, a family reunion, etc. Doodle is particularly useful to people who do not use a common calendar. This service is free, requires no registration and no software installation.

    For ASHRAE eMeetings, it is an excellent tool for identifying the optimal time for scheduling meetings.

    Select 'Schedule an Event' on the Doodle home page and enter basic information about your meeting e.g. topic, duration, agenda.

    Select Dates to be voted on by meeting participants.

    Select time slots for your proposed meeting. When finished, you will receive an email containing the link to your poll.

    Send Doodle link to meeting invitees. You will recieve a notification email message each time an invitee completes the poll.  Doodle makes it easy to identify the best time slot for your meeting.  Use this information to schedule your emeeting.

  • About Electronic Meetings

    conference call is a telephone call in which the calling party wishes to have more than one called party listen in to the audio portion of the call. The conference calls may be designed to allow the called party to participate during the call, or the call may be set up so that the called party merely listens into the call and cannot speak. It is often referred to as an ATC (Audio Tele-Conference).

    video conference (also known as a video teleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously.

    webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. As a broadcast may either be live or recorded, similarly, a webcast may either be distributed live or recorded. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.

    webinar is a specific type of web conference. It is typically one-way, from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction, such as in a webcast. A webinar can be collaborative and include polling and question & answer sessions to allow full participation between the audience and the presenter. In some cases, the presenter may speak over a standard telephone line, pointing out information being presented on screen and the audience can respond over their own telephones, preferably a speaker phone.
